Category : General

Path of Exile 2 beta delayed from June "until the end of the year".

Path of Exile 2 beta delayed from June "until the end of the year".

There was a lot of interesting news today regarding Path of Exile 2. For example, the combat has been reworked with new controls, and it was announced...

A Bold New Era of "Hell Diver 2" Lightning Strike Warfare, Arc Thrower Crashes and Short-Circuits the Game

A Bold New Era of "Hell Diver 2" Lightning Strike Warfare, Arc Thrower Crashes and Short-Circuits the Game

Democracy giveth, democracy taketh away - though maybe not where the censors of the Super Earth Ministry of Truth can hear. Today's Battle of Helldive...

Neuralink demonstrates patients playing mind games with the power of the mind using "telepathy".

Neuralink demonstrates patients playing mind games with the power of the mind using "telepathy".

The idea of the mind becoming physically integrated with the machine can be an uncomfortable concept to contemplate. The idea of embedding electrodes,...

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang predicts AI-powered games may be here within 10 years

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang predicts AI-powered games may be here within 10 years

AI generation has made great strides in recent years, from prompt-based image generation to the recent development of fully AI-generated video. For ou...

There is already a DLSS frame generation file in "Dragon's Dogma 2".

There is already a DLSS frame generation file in "Dragon's Dogma 2".

Unless you have deliberately ignored the news surrounding Dragon's Dogma 2, you will not have missed the fact that the game performs somewhat poorly. ...

Broken Road," a mix of Mad Max, Disco Elysium, and Baldur's Gate, will be released in April after a sudden five-month delay last year.

Broken Road," a mix of Mad Max, Disco Elysium, and Baldur's Gate, will be released in April after a sudden five-month delay last year.

The release date for the Australian philosophy RPG Broken Roads has been set. After a long delay, the game will be released on April 10 of this year. ...

New Intel driver improves Dragon's Dogma 2 performance by up to 36%. It may be...

New Intel driver improves Dragon's Dogma 2 performance by up to 36%. It may be...

Every graphics card gets new drivers on a regular basis these days. Chip giant Intel has just released a new set with improved performance for various...

NPCs in "Dragon's Dogma 2" are making the CPU cry and slowing down the frame rate, but Capcom is "looking at ways to improve performance in the future.

NPCs in "Dragon's Dogma 2" are making the CPU cry and slowing down the frame rate, but Capcom is "looking at ways to improve performance in the future.

Dragon's Dogma 2 is a great RPG, but as you may have noticed in our performance analysis, it is by no means a smooth production; the CPU load is so hi...