With only four romantically available NPCs, "Starfield" is a "good thing," says Dragon Age veteran

With only four romantically available NPCs, "Starfield" is a "good thing," says Dragon Age veteran

"Starfield" has over 1,000 planets to explore, but only four souls to romance. Harvey pointed out this interesting contradiction last week in response to Todd Howard's announcement that the four main constellation companions (in Starfield they are basically only the optional sidekick, who will probably fight with you, but more importantly, carry your excess loot) will be romantically involved.

This, along with the very long playing time of "Baldur's Gate 3," has provoked a new debate about "quality versus quantity." One voice qualified to join the discussion was David Gaider, a former BioWare scenario designer who worked on the "Dragon Age" and "Baldur's Gate" series, as well as "Knights of the Old Republic. His reputation is especially strong given, for example, how heavily "Dragon Age" focuses on romance and how fondly the ties of the series are remembered.

"I think this is a good thing," Gaider tweeted, referring to the four romance options. He was replying to our own tweet in which we pointed out the entire planet of 1,000 in contrast to the four romances.

He continued: "Unless a meaningful romance arc is something an AI could come up with: ...... In that case, eh."

AI romance is probably not what many players want, despite the general desire of humanity. There is also the small fact that there are trillions of planets in the real universe and many lonely souls on Earth. From this perspective, Howard and his colleagues may be generous.

When another Twitter user claimed that Bethesda was promising "endless authoring content," Gaidar remained diplomatic. 'My impression is that they are hedging their bets and promising quality on both fronts. But anyone who has played their games probably knows what to expect. The idea that they can push on all fronts is . . is dangerous."

Starfield will be released on September 6, which means you will need to play Baldur's Gate 3 for at least two and a half hours a day from its August 3 release date. This would actually ...... Can we do it?
