Meet the free roguelike "Dig Dug" and "Bomberman".

Meet the free roguelike "Dig Dug" and "Bomberman".

The latest roguelike to be explored exclusively downward (and a bit laterally), "Holy Smokes" is basically "Dig Dug," but with bombs instead of shovels and explosions instead of no explosions. Now that I think about it, it is a bit like Spelunky in that you use these bombs to remove rocks in your path and in doing so collect pretty shiny treasures.

However, Holy Smokes is definitely more frantic, fast-paced, and arcadey than most roguelikes. You have four infinitely refillable bombs (refilled by a timer), which you use to explode blocks and defeat some pretty tough enemies as you fall from the heavens to the underworld.

The game feels great to play, thanks to the screen shakes and debris flying everywhere. I found it pretty tough, but maybe you can do better, download the Holy Smokes demo and give it a try. (Thanks, Warp Door.)

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