Making Sauce in the free adventure game "The Supper".

Making Sauce in the free adventure game "The Supper".

You've probably heard the stories of innkeepers, publican, or even demonic barbers who lure in customers and just kill them. An old woman on crutches runs a tavern famous for its special sauce. From pigeons to human hands, every item on the menu is covered with this sauce, and its secret is a well-kept culinary mystery second only to the type of rat used to make sausage rolls at the service station.

In this short, wicked adventure game, you must serve three different dishes to three guests who foolishly choose to dine at your tavern. First you find the ingredients, then you prepare them, and finally you place the dishes in the sauce. Compared to the old adventure games, the puzzles are not so difficult. This is a short story in game form, with a satisfying ending. The length is just what is needed, approximately 20 minutes.

Have you played any of Octavi Navarro's other free adventure games? Not yet? Treat yourself. This "Supper" is just as gorgeous, sophisticated, and imaginative as the best adventure games. I also wish Navarro would make a bigger, more substantial game. Part of me wishes he would make more little stories like this one. Whatever happens, I will be thrilled.

For more great free experiences, check out our compilation of the best free PC games.
