Get out of work with Respite, a free chill-out adventure game

Get out of work with Respite, a free chill-out adventure game

"Respite" is a game where you don't do much. It's a game where you first get out of bed after something mildly dramatic happens, then meditate quietly while watering your plants. The exact nature of the incident will become clear as you explore the house, but the bottom line is that you're overworked and overstressed and you've lost your temper.

As you click your way through the nicely illustrated and pleasantly interactive flat, bits and pieces of the story float by in the form of the protagonist's recollections and notes left by his roommate before he left home. It's not a big game, but it's refreshingly laid-back and does a good job of capturing the early-morning melancholy.

Will you take the day off or get down to business? That's the decision presented to you at the end of this small and sweet adventure game. (Thanks, Warp Door.)

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