'Fallout 76' Waylander Will Not Override Base Game Storyline

'Fallout 76' Waylander Will Not Override Base Game Storyline

Last week, Bethesda gave us a proper introduction to Fallout 76's Westlanders. They introduced us to the chatty new NPCs of post-apocalyptic Virginia, including ghouls voiced by Jay & Silent Bob's Jason Muse, and now we can see a demo video of them without developer commentary. Please take a look.

During the demo, many questions from the community were answered, but there were also many that the developers did not have a chance to comment on. Bethesda has now posted a Q&A covering what was missed, along with a summary of the demo presentation.

Wastelanders takes place a year after everyone has left the vaults, so the wasteland has changed a bit and new people are starting to show up. While there are new main quests, the original quests have been revamped. Bethesda admits, however, that the new storyline will not overwrite the old one.

"We are weaving the new Westlanders storyline into what is already in the base game." New characters will be able to complete all base game content in addition to new quests. Also, some of the things accomplished in the base game story will have a role in the Westlanders."

Other players will be able to participate in playing the story, and while they will not be able to actively participate in the conversation, they will be able to listen in on the chat.

The impression from the demo is that the wasteland has become a bit more civilized, but not without the threat of nuclear weapons. Even the "Waylanders" can launch nuclear weapons, but now people are actually prepared. Raiders and settlers dress in snazzy protective gear when they need to protect themselves from radiation.

Last year, Bethesda mentioned plans for a balance pass at the launch of "Westlanders," which has now been delayed; Bethesda wants to make all regions of the map "attractive to characters of all levels" in a later update, There will also be a balance adjustment there. The timing for this has not yet been determined.

Other future plans include the introduction of multi-factor authentication and the promise of more content updates throughout the year. Bethesda has also released a new community calendar, so check back to see what you can expect before Wastelanders launches on April 7.
