The Rift Breaker is a base-building action RPG for mech lovers.

The Rift Breaker is a base-building action RPG for mech lovers.

"The Rift Breaker," from the creators of "X-Morph Defense," is a base-building game with a serious tower defense vibe, a survival mechanic, and an action RPG in which you slaughter thousands of aliens with resilient mecha, It's a mutant hybrid. Watch the new trailer above.

It's certainly satisfying to watch the alien horrors explode in a shower of blood and fangs, and it's also a gratuitous level of grossness not usually seen in strategy (or in this case strategy-adjacent) games. You can blow them up with nukes, set everything on fire, or get up close and personal and slice them up with your sword. It's all superfluous.

It's worth noting that the aliens don't look very friendly, but perhaps we're the bad guys here. Galatea 37 is an alien world where we must build a base that allows us to travel between the new world and Earth, so that humanity can colonize more of the universe. So we exploit natural resources, kill the natives, and build big ugly bases.

Fortunately, "The Rift Breaker" is going to be busy, so there probably won't be time to question the morality of our efforts. While we're not building an army, base building could be as elaborate as a pure RTS. While we'll have a good time out there, the more we grow, the more the planet will fight back, so we need to be prepared to return to base quickly. They also need to study specimens to unlock new technology, use sensors to find buried treasure, and build new parts for their mecha, Mr. Riggs.

Rift Breaker is scheduled for release this year, but you can play it in an alpha preview before then. Applications for Alpha 2 are now being accepted on the official Discord, and here's what's new:

And while you're at it, check out the new screenshots.
