A "World of Warcraft" player one-shots a raid boss with a genius exploit, causing 115 million damage.

A "World of Warcraft" player one-shots a raid boss with a genius exploit, causing 115 million damage.

World of Warcraft raid bosses, unless they are Rextroy, are difficult enemies that usually require a group of 10 or more people to defeat. He's basically WoW's one-punch man, a theorist and YouTuber with an eye toward pioneering elaborate and creative ways to defeat the toughest bosses. But his latest punching bag is worth noting: Rextroy took down World of Warcraft's newest and most difficult raid, Wrathion of Ny'alotha, in a single blow, dealing a mind-boggling 115 million in damage.

You can see Rextroy in action in the video above, but unless you are a World of Warcraft player, it can be difficult to understand exactly what is going on. Fortunately, Rextroy explains his method step by step in the video description, but I'm still amazed that anyone came up with the idea in the first place; after 16 years, World of Warcraft has truly become huge, and I'm not sure how much more we can expect to see in the next few years. There are thousands of abilities, items, and strange magical effects that characters can find and use, and it is amazing that Rextroy and friends were able to find the exact combination to do so much damage.

The key ability in this strategy is the Diver's Folly, a one-handed axe with a special ability called Bioelectric Charge, which has a chance to prime each attack with Diver'sFolly, accumulating 5% of its damage for 12 seconds and then releasing it as nature damage. However, in order for Bioelectric Charge to get the numbers needed to do such outrageous damage, Rextroy would need some way to massively increase its damage output.

In the Catacylsm expansion, there is a dungeon with a boss encounter that temporarily increases damage by 2,000 percent. But that is not enough, so Lextroy buys a special item called a "Mantid Fire Bomb."

Here is where Lextroy's plan gets brilliant. He enters the Cataclysm Dungeon boss fight and waits until the 2,000 percent extra damage buff takes effect. He then gathers the hordes of trash monsters that spawn in the boss fight and attacks them until Diver's Folly's Bioelectric Charge is activated. Throwing Mantid Firebomb at that horde of monsters will deal 2,000 percent additional damage to each monster, making the Bioelectric Charge actually 2,309,961,440 damage.

With only a few moments to spare, how does Rextroy make it from the dungeon at the bottom of the sea to another nightmare dimension inhabited by Wrathion's legions of waiting eldritch monsters?

In World of Warcraft, players of certain classes can summon other players anywhere in the world using teleportation magic. These spells last for up to two minutes, and Rextroy will be prompted on screen before the fight begins, asking if he wants to join his companions in Wrathion's boss room in Ny'alotha. On that difficulty, Wrathion has roughly twice as much HP.

A brilliant tactic, but Lextroy played it safe before revealing it. He waited to release the video until the exploit was fixed on the live server. Ny'alotha is the current raid in World of Warcraft, and even though it has been months since its release, raiding guilds are still taking on this raid at high difficulty to get the best loot. raiding guilds are taking on this raid at a high level of difficulty to get the best loot. For example, Mantid Firebombs can no longer be taken out outside of Pandaria where it was found.

This is a smart move considering Rextroy was banned early in Battle for Azeroth for using a similar strategy to one-up the boss of the Uldir raid. However, this type of tactic falls in a gray area, and Rextroy's ban was lifted less than a day after it was issued.

Still, it's cool to see what's possible with a little ingenuity. In particular, Blizzard refactored World of Warcraft's combat calculations early in the expansion because the numbers were getting too big. In recent World of Warcraft, the damage for a hit by an ability is around 30,000.

If you want to see Rextroy wreck other raid bosses, it is worth checking out his YouTube channel.

Thank you Wowhead.

