Eternal Hope" is a Limbo-esque journey to save a loved one's soul

Eternal Hope" is a Limbo-esque journey to save a loved one's soul
[I've never been a fan of traditional arcade platformers, but games like "Limbo," "Inside," "Trine," and "The Final Station" have my attention. If you could make a jump-and-run game slower, more visually impactful, and have a story to tell, I would be overjoyed. So I'm very excited about the new "Eternal Hope" from Brazilian studio Doublehit Games, which is scheduled for release in August.

Eternal Hope is inspired by the Japanese anime studio Studio Ghibli, but the more obvious video game connection in my eyes is Playdead, the developers of Limbo and Inside. The graphic style is very similar, and the story is "Limbo"-like. Eternal Hope" tells the story of Tibi, a boy who travels between two dimensions to find the soul of his lost love. The Shadow World is corrupt and dangerous, but it is not a bad world at all. He makes friends along the journey and uncovers secrets about the land, its ancient inhabitants, and his own past. [Eternal Hope asks players to think deeply about what they are willing to do with everything they have," said sound designer Gabriel Oliveira. This is not just another video game, but an emotional and thought-provoking story wrapped up in engaging artwork and mysterious characters."

That's a lot of weight to put on the shoulders of an indie game, but the trailer is pretty and more than a little creepy, and if the game only solidifies its landing spot I'll be happy enough. Eternal Hope is scheduled for release on August 6. More information about the journey into the Shadow World can be found at
