Submarine, ghost, or bug?

Submarine, ghost, or bug?

Players of "Call of Duty: Warzone" are investigating a huge, slow-moving shadow visible below the surface of the frozen dam atop Verdansk Mountain. The identity of the shadow is unknown, but there are many theories.

Beginning June 12, players noticed a mysterious black mass during live matches and while waiting in the pre-match lobby. The shadow, shaped like a submarine, can be seen moving from different points in the ice to other points. It has been recorded from players in helicopters, on nearby rooftops, and just above the ice, and seems to be more than a bug, although it may be a bug.

Some think the shadow is clearly a submarine, which raises some obvious questions, such as: why a submarine in a frozen lake? Some have even created "myth busting" videos to point out that a submarine could not possibly fit in such a small body of water. I admit that I have never heard of a submarine anchored in a reservoir, but it does appear that there is something in the water. The object appears to be moving under the ice, not a shadow projected from above.

Nevertheless, a less conspiratorial theory is that this is just a bugged shadow. The "submarine" has a habit of going through rocks and into mountains, which is not what submarines usually do. Another theory is that the shadow is a supply helicopter, a new feature in Season 4, that spawns under the ground (for whatever reason) before crossing the map.

There have been a number of recent teases and in-game events leading up to Season 4 of Warzone, and some have theorized that the shadow may be related to a major map change planned for the future.

"It's interesting not knowing what will happen because the dam will eventually flood," wrote Reddit user Obiwandkinobee. 'Maybe a sub dam will come into play. Maybe it will flow out to sea."

While the shadow may be a red herring, or it could be completely unintentional, players believe the dam will break in the upcoming patch. After the Season 4 update, Warzone's menu has changed from the dam overflowing to completely breached. The dam is now frozen in-game.

Some theories are even stranger and more elaborate than the submarine speculation. Players have also noticed a strange blue light emanating from beneath the ice, sometimes near where the submarine passes. Some have suggested that this light could be "Element 115" from the long-running zombie mode in Call of Duty, or the light from a nuclear reactor in a future storyline


Some players have linked the shadows to strange screams and howls heard from deep within the dam in March, suggesting that something more supernatural is going on. Howls were also heard elsewhere on the map.

"Combined with the screams at the dam last season, it really makes me think the dam will play an important role in the upcoming Warzone," redditor Santacos2552 wrote. 'Will it flood the map and force us to move to another map? Will they just fill the canal all over downtown?" or "Will they destroy an entire dam area and make it unplayable?" the answer is zero, but I look forward to finding out what's going on."

"What if it's a ghost?"

"What if it's a ghost submarine?"[24] "Some people think it's a train. But it's more fun to guess, and sometimes fan theories become self-fulfilling.
