Iconic Minecraft world "Pack.png" image found

Iconic Minecraft world "Pack.png" image found

Update: An earlier version of this article stated that only 5 percent of the seed was searched before Pack.png was found, when in fact 100 percent of the seed was searched and found in the last 5 percent.

Original text An elaborate supercomputer-based project discovered the world seed where the iconic Minecraft image Pack.png resides, thanks to a comprehensive search by fans. To be precise, a core team of seven Minecraft fans scoured 230 trillion possible Minecraft worlds, using several NVIDIA DGX-2 supercomputers, in search of the exact location, which exists only in still images, of the Pack.png image, probably the most common image seen in Minecraft fandom, as it is the texture pack image for Minecraft's default look.

A world seed is a specific sequence of numbers that generates a unique Minecraft world, and the world from which the Pack.png screenshot was taken was unknown. Earlier this year, a similar project was looking for the world of Minecraft's original title screen. Unlike that project, the bulk of this project was done using supercomputers rather than the distributed computing methods of Minecraft@Home.

According to a statement on the pack.png project website: "After 8 months of searching, we have finally found the infamous pack.png seed! This is just a quick announcement to let you all know that we found it, and it turned out to be in the last 5% of the seeds we searched for on MC@Home (BOINC). Most of all, I want to thank everyone who helped with this project! Without your help, none of this would have been possible, and a special shout out to those who provided the computing power through MC@Home (BOINC), as you made what would have taken thousands of hours to complete on a single computer into something that could be done in just a few days! If you are interested, please contact niraami. If you are interested, users niraami and zombie67 were fortunate enough to be the computers that processed the pack.png seed.

The find was first announced on YouTuber SalC1's Twitter account:

The final seed, from the project: 3257840388504953787, coordinates: x=49, z=0.

However, Minecraft's tallest The search for the tallest cactus in Minecraft is still on.

