The "Lost Celebration" trailer for Destiny 2 has been released, but more importantly, the loot from Nightfall has been doubled!

The "Lost Celebration" trailer for Destiny 2 has been released, but more importantly, the loot from Nightfall has been doubled!
[Destiny 2's "Festival of Lost 2020" begins next week. We have to grudgingly admit that collecting and wearing creepy new masks, endless candy and chocolate coins, and new armor ornaments in the Eververse Store looks pretty sweet. The "Infinite Forest" event is also back with a new paint job, and you can win "Braytech Werewolf" and "Horror Story" auto rifles and a new random rewards roll.

But it doesn't matter.

Watch the trailer above if you really want to see it, but what actually matters to the real grinders is the return of the Nightfall loot double, confirmed in a post on This Week at Bungie today. This is because we and our aching mouthfingers will be back much sooner than we had imagined.

As I wrote a few weeks ago before Nightfall's loot double debuted, this is the best loot farming opportunity in the six years since Destiny began: grind a 1080-powered Nightfall, or if you're a madman with equally masochistic and skilled friends, Grind a Grandmaster variant and you'll get an Ascendant Shard, Enhancement Prism, and Exotic Armor.

With this wealth of upgrade material, you'll be well prepared for November's Beyond Light Expansion. Tip: Once your inventory is full, you can store the overflow materials in each character's postmaster (aim for a full stack of 10 Shards and 50 Prisms each).

Last time we spent most of the week on the "Lake of Shadows" strike, immersed in farming as if Old MacDonald had a psychotic break. Next week's scheduled nightfall strike is "A Garden World," a strike on Mercury with a large projectile-like Vex orb at the end. It is considerably longer than the Rake, but still won't be a major problem for players with a common sense loadout of difficulty 1080.

That said, I'm not going to lie: endlessly repeating the same activity will test the endurance of even the most dedicated grinder. This is the business we have chosen to be in. My advice is to make sure you have a fireteam that you actually enjoy working with. It also helps to mute the in-game music and play something soothing on the headset. And of course, there will be booze for those who join in.

The Festival of the Lost and the Double Nightfall Drop will run from October 6 through November 3. Players need 750 power to enter the Infinite Forest, but unless you started playing five minutes ago, that shouldn't be a problem.
