I'm afraid of the drawbridge revealed in this "Fall Guys" season 2 level.

I'm afraid of the drawbridge revealed in this "Fall Guys" season 2 level.

Fall Guys Season 2 will be released on October 8, and the nightmare bean dimension will be dressed up in medieval cosplay. Expect new costumes, progression tracks, and levels, plus tweaks and fixes. In particular, expect some messed up drawbridge timing in the Night Fever level, which was revealed today in the trailer above.

As you might imagine, the moment the bridge lifts, you think you have the momentum to jump to the other side, but in the last millisecond the other side comes up out of reach. The different sides are also not synchronized, so between tracking a packed lobby of players and six independently oscillating platforms, I think this would be a digital image that would scream well of me.

And then there's the obstacle placement at the end of Run' Ruinous. It is not as visually intimidating as the rest of the course, and there are no spikes or swirling cylinders. It's just you and a nondescript wooden plank lazily ascending and descending, as if you were on your way to an adorable tugboat show and got lost in a deadly obstacle course competition.

You know that many a confident bean thinks he's got it in the bag, only to get stuck in a line of drawbridges and get passed by a clumsy dunce in the back. This is a really messed up move by the development team, like Lucy pulling a soccer ball just before Charlie kicks it. I respect it wholeheartedly.

But first, let's hope that just when we think we've entered an unquestionable flow state, we'll be plunged into the abyss by the pink spikes on the spinning platform.

Unsavory players will probably set up on the other side and try to throw you back into the storm of spikes. We will make little videos on Twitter and Reddit, shake our fingers and shake our fists, but still the dark soul of man will remain unscathed.

And the pike pendulum on the concave purple stand will say, "In 2020, am I right? But I am not worried, though the great swinging blade may strike me down. Sen's fortress carved its furrow in my brain nearly a decade ago. Past a certain point, imminent failure will only be the ground on which we stand. If everything falls, then we have nothing.
