This new bulletproof adventure has a ghostly cat and a touching backstory!

This new bulletproof adventure has a ghostly cat and a touching backstory!

Developed by one man, Jacob Williams, "Itta" is a mix of "Cuphead" and "Hyper Light Drifter" in a surreal and mysterious pixel art world. The main character, a young girl named Itta, is armed with her father's revolver and accompanied by a ghostly floating cat.

"Itta explores a strange world inhabited by powerful cosmic beings in search of answers and peace," says Williams. Players must seek out powerful beings trapped underground in this seemingly peaceful world and confront them in harrowing battles."

The game will pit players against "ancient golems" and "toothy horrors" that seem to push the limits of Itta and the player.

The development of ITTA also has an interesting storyline. Williams said he began designing the game in December 2016 while he was in a mental institution. I was at the bottom of my life," he says." Itta" is Japanese for "left." The game was to be bleak and depressing.

But when Williams left the ward, a fellow patient gave him a parting gift. 'As a reminder to myself, I made her paper craft a prominent symbol in the game and dotted it around the world. And as my view of life slowly began to change, so did the game. I didn't want ITTA to be without light anymore."

Amazing. This inspiring story makes me want to play "ITTA" even more.
