Apparently Doom Eternal is twice as long as the last one.

Apparently Doom Eternal is twice as long as the last one.

Doom Eternal is not a slow, leisurely walking game. It is fast-paced, ultra-violent, and you will be controlling a lot of guns, demons, and abilities. But that doesn't mean it's over quickly. According to creative director Hugo Martin, the ending takes about 22 hours.

"We're committed to engaging the player from start to finish," Martin told Gamespot.

"This is a 22+ hour game," he said, adding that the first three hours show more than a full run through of the previous game from 2016.

This is the same thing Wes wrote in his preview of Doom Eternal.

"The sequel gives you the basic tools in the first five minutes and keeps adding more tools for the first three hours (and probably beyond). Frankly, it's overwhelming, but the goal of Eternal is basically to give people access to superpowers and have them instinctively learn how to use them. As for how to make a sequel, it definitely follows the script of 'Crank: High Voltage.'"

According to How Long to Beat, 2016's Doom is about 11 hours long if you just focus on finishing the campaign, half the length of Doom Eternal.

Like Wes, I'm not sure I could handle this much metal and violence for that long. No doubt I will need frequent breaks to carry my dog and walk around places that are not covered in guts and bones. If it really does take 22 hours, I think I'll be done by this time next year.
