Lost Words" Reveals New Trailer at the New York Video Game Awards

Lost Words" Reveals New Trailer at the New York Video Game Awards

The latest trailer for indie platformer "Lost Words: Beyond The Page" was released last night at the New York Video Game Awards 2020.

"Embark on a fascinating journey through the mind of a young writer," the trailer reads, as "Lost Words," developed by Sketchbook Games and written by Rhianna Pratchett, centers on the diary of a child named Izzy.

In the pages of her diary, a young girl called Robin tries to understand why a dragon attacked her village in the magical land of Estoria. She sets out on an adventurous journey, but crosses through fire and smoke, and at the end of the trailer, a looming dragon opens its eyes beside her.


The trailer seems to bounce back and forth between platform elements and interactive diary entries, a juxtaposition that the Steam description of "Lost Words" emphatically notes:

"Lost Words is, a 2D story adventure game in which players move words around to solve puzzles. The game features a narrative written by Liana Pratchett, which connects the story to the gameplay in an unusual way as players run over and interact with the words to solve puzzles.

Lost Words has won various event awards since it first appeared in 2017 and was awarded "Best of E3" by Cinelinx at last year's E3.

According to the trailer, Lost Words is slated for a spring 2020 release; it can be purchased on Steam here.
