Apex Legend Dataminer has a good theory about the mysterious flying lights.

Apex Legend Dataminer has a good theory about the mysterious flying lights.

Three mysterious lights were recently spotted over the World's Edge map in Apex Legends. Although too high up for players to see up close, data miners have put forward a rather convincing theory, which may be corroborated by some data-mined code.

Shrugtal, a data enthusiast of many, posted their theory on Twitter yesterday, suggesting it could be the harvester of "Titanfall". They speculate that it will eventually land on the map and suck out the resources. This is consistent with Respawn's other previews regarding the impending map change.

World Edge currently has a construction sign by Hammond Robotics, which built Titan for IMC in Titanfall. The company also manufactures MRVN robots, Pathfinder being one of them, and the next Legend, Forge, is also sponsored by the company. It doesn't seem so far-fetched to imagine the possibility of dropping a harvester on the map to speed up the transformation.

Harvester is also the name of an upcoming zone discovered by Shurgthal. Fellow data miner That1MiningGuy also dug up a few details, giving a little more weight to this theory.

I sometimes forget that Apex Legends takes place in the same world as Titanfall because every time I think of Respawn's previous series, I think "meh." There's not much time to enjoy the lore when you're fighting for your life, but it's nice to know that the area around it is hanging around.

Cheers, Dextero.
