The final installment of Kentucky Route Zero is finally released today.

The final installment of Kentucky Route Zero is finally released today.

I bought Kentucky Root Zero a few years ago. They were not wrong. But after playing it a bit and liking it, I decided to put it to bed until the last episode was released. Now it's End of Days and my hair is gray, but at least Act 5 is coming soon. Today, seven years after the first episode, comes the final episode. [For those of you whose memories have become fuzzy over the past decade, please refresh them with my review of "Kentucky Route Zero," which covers the first act.

"Kentucky Route Zero leads you along a predetermined path with sparse command and little room for maneuver," writes former deputy editor Philippa Waugh. But there is considerable beauty in the willingness to acknowledge these limitations and to ask what really matters in the game's choices." In other adventures, you get to decide your character's fate, success or failure. Kentucky Route Zero instead asks you to describe their inner lives and, by extension, your own. Regardless of how you react to that ethereal image, the game offers the rare suggestion that who the player is may be more important than what they do.

It's pretty much impossible to ask you to remember much from "Kentucky Route Zero," since remembering to put on pants is a miracle. I really should have started it last week to make it to today's release date, but I'm currently at the mercy of at least five other games. Nevertheless, I intend to finish it soon, finally.
