Indie "demo disc" of PS1-inspired horror games coming next week on PC

Indie "demo disc" of PS1-inspired horror games coming next week on PC

Remember the PlayStation demo disc that came with your magazine? If only that demo had been a little more horror ......" and instead of buying and playing the full game advertised, remember playing the ad number?

Apparently some indie developers have teamed up to release a fake demo disc of a PS1-inspired horror game.

The "Haunted PS1 Demo Disc" is not an actual physical disc, nor is it for the PS1, but it contains 17 low-resolution game demos that allude to the same style. Low-poly models, shimmering textures, engaging clunky controls, and surreal '90s-flavored environments all come together in an easily digestible bundle.

The "HauntedPS1" community has been around for over a year, spotlighting games that fit the idea of a 64-bit renaissance; the most famous game to emulate the HauntedPS1 style was released in 2018 to modest reviews Redact Games' "Sagebrush" is probably the best known. The collective's page lists a number of other similar games, including "Squeltchin Maze '96," "You and the Night," and "Please Follow."

The demo disc will be available for free on on February 6. Expect to enjoy the nostalgia-inducing music of the demo disc along with it.
