Dota Underlords Gets a Small Monster and a Release Date

Dota Underlords Gets a Small Monster and a Release Date

Dota Underlords will be released from Early Access on February 25, Valve announced today. The update also adds a fourth Underlord, Enno, who has the same agility as the other three, and the Underlords team will now be in the dark until release, refining and finishing up the launch features. Speaking of launch features, here's an article I wrote about Underlords. I spoke with designers Adrian Finol, Brad Muir, and Lawrence Yang about what it's like to work at Valve, the game's development, and how they've learned to stop worrying and beat Valve's time PC Gamer magazine's February issue of the magazine. (If you don't subscribe to PC Gamer magazine, you can subscribe in print or digital format here. It's not that expensive).

The Underlords launch will include a single-player City Crawl, neat new (paid) Battle Pass rewards, and a spicy new hero rotation. For example, the Summoner's Alliance is coming. As the development team told me, Underlords will "always be free" and all versions of the game, including City Crawl, will be free to play. In any case, more on that in this month's issue.

Enno is the game's new Underlord, a unit of heroes who lead your ragtag group. If you're interested, visit the Enno minisite. For those who don't have the time, here's a brief description: the Enno is a quick melee skirmisher, with the ability to quickly flee the battlefield and reposition himself whenever he loses a quarter of his strength. One version of him is "heal and steal," using attacks that damage the enemy crew and heal his own crew, stealing the enemy's lowest level items for the duration of the battle. The other focuses on inflicting damage, laying poison darts all over the place and using a lasso to hurl the enemy into the battlefield, inflicting quite a bit of damage. I had the opportunity to play with Enno before launch, and he is my new favorite Underlord in terms of wreaking havoc on an already chaotic battlefield.

Dota Underlords is currently available to play with Enno on Steam; Dota Underlords is currently free in Early Access and will be released on February 25.
