Dusty Life, a solo developed "Animal Crossing"-like game, coming to Early Access this year.

Dusty Life, a solo developed "Animal Crossing"-like game, coming to Early Access this year.

If you haven't made the switch yet and feel left out because of Animal Crossing New Horizons, don't worry: Animal Crossing New Horizons has you covered.

Robert Tatnell (an artist at Sony and Lionhead who worked on games like Heavenly Sword and Fable 3) has announced Hokko Life, a PC game heavily inspired by Nintendo's adorable village creation.

At first glance, the game incorporates many of the features of Animal Crossing: cute towns with anthropomorphic villagers, interior design, fishing, and bug catching. Carefully planned towns with big-headed friends floating around them seem incredibly calm and friendly.

However, Hokko sets itself apart by focusing on player creativity. They can go out into the wilderness to gather materials and use them to customize furniture at will, or create paints that can be used on everything from walls to clothing. Eventually, he may be able to sell his creations to other players in a department store that will be expanded in a future update.

Tatnell also aims to make fishing and gardening more involved than in Animal Crossing, but has yet to reveal what that will look like. It appears that "Dusty Life" is intended to be a mash-up with games like "Stardew Valley" and "Harvest Moon".

For a stand-alone project in its early stages of development, the game is surprisingly complete. Dusty Life is expected to appear on Steam Early Access in 2020.
