Conan Chop Chop, postponed again.

Conan Chop Chop, postponed again.

Conan Chop Chop, the co-op rogue-lite that came out as an April Fool's gag, is not going to make its February 25 release date. It has been delayed before, and apparently Mighty Kingdom still needs to "get its final chops in order," CEO Philip Mayes said. [Conan Chop Chop] is not your typical Conan adventure, all muscle, blood, and guts, but a cartoonish romp in which up to four players chop random maps and rake in the loot. Nevertheless, it is still an official Conan game, and is published by Funcom.

The game is a couch co-op game, but technically you can play online through Remote Play Together. Unfortunately, I had no luck myself. Too much lag and no ability to predict the future prevented me from making much progress in my adventure.

After trying it solo, I didn't feel like I'd be better off with a buddy, but I guess I'll have to wait for Remote Play Together to improve. Alternatively, I could pack my friends into my office and let them congregate around my PC like savages.

Mighty Kingdom and Funcom have yet to set a new release date, but apparently it will appear in Q2 2020.

Update: Proper online multiplayer appears to be in the works, and getting this feature ready is one of the reasons for the delay.
