79% of "League of Legends" players say they were harassed after the game, from community survey.

79% of "League of Legends" players say they were harassed after the game, from community survey.

The League of Legends' reputation for making people lose their cool during games is well known, but a whopping 79 percent of the 3,784 respondents to a recent community survey said the harassment continued after the game. Cursing, repeated friend requests, and, in the case of the league's female players, mostly sexual harassment, were the most common forms of post-game toxic behavior.

These statistics are the result of a survey conducted by Reddit's Clanaria during January 2020, asking some of League of Legends' largest Reddit communities about their lifestyle, playstyle, and general relationship with Riot Games' hugely popular MOBA. This was thanks to a survey conducted. With only 3,784 respondents, it's hardly a comprehensive overview of League of Legends' 80 million players (especially since those who use Reddit are themselves a demographic), but the survey still offers plenty of fascinating insights.

You can check out the full infographic here, and Clanaria breaks the survey down into several key areas, including players' lifestyles, careers, playing habits, and favorite roles. Because of League of Legends' infamous reputation, "toxicity" was one of the categories that immediately jumped out at me. It is not at all surprising that 98 percent of players have been burned during play (as Clanaria points out, the remaining 2 percent are also within the margin of error of these statistics). However, I was shocked that so many players had been harassed after the game was over.

Thirty-two percent of respondents who said they were female were victims of sexual harassment. The worst I saw were cheeky comments like "the best jungler wins" and complaints about teammates' poor performance.

Cranaria also categorized a variety of behaviors deemed harmful, such as spamming teammates with pings or intentionally causing death: nearly 2,400 people confessed to pinging teammates, and 2,084 people accused their teammates or opponents. Yes, I am ashamed to admit that I have done both of these things out of pure and unbridled rage, but I am shocked that 514 of the 3,784 respondents told someone to kill themselves.

Cranaria asked players about their lives outside of the game, such as their dating and work situations, and got some pretty hilarious insights. For example, 87% of men who play Assassins in the middle lane are likely to be single. Support and bottom laners, on the other hand, are the most likely to play with a partner, each being the most popular role among women and non-binary respondents.

Interestingly, players preferred the Assassin (and its cousin, the Skirmisher) by far the most detrimental class. Combine this with the fact that Assassins are the second most popular champion type in the midlane, which itself is the most popular lane for respondents who indicated that they are male, and you get a pretty clear picture of who the worst players in League of Legends are.

There is much more than toxicity to learn from this survey. For example, 63 percent of players play with friends and 92 percent buy microtransactions. Also, junglers are the least popular role right now, probably due to the changes in season 10 that made jungling less fun. My personal favorite is that 70 percent of respondents said they play League of Legends to relax.

Still, that doesn't cover all the statistics Clanaria gathered in this survey.
