The following free games are available from the Epic Game Store: "Faeria," "Kingdom Come," "Deliverance," and "Aztez": Deliverance and Aztez now available

The following free games are available from the Epic Game Store: "Faeria," "Kingdom Come," "Deliverance," and "Aztez": Deliverance and Aztez now available

Epic Game Store's latest free games are now available: "Deliverance" and "Atzetz" for the unbeatable price of $0/£0.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a historical first-person RPG set in medieval Bohemia. I haven't played it since it was released in 2018, but at the time it was a great, if buggy, portrait of medieval life. Andy Kelley loved the game so much that it has since been expanded with comprehensive mod support and multiple expansions - although the latter is not part of the gift.

The second game was Aztez, an indie mashup of beat 'em ups and turn-based strategy. It's another historical game, set in the Aztec Empire in the 15th century. It is by far the more interesting of the two, with a cool Mad World-like art style and chaotic, strategic combat.

Epic also announced the next game offered in their relentless march of offering every game ever made: Faeria. Faeria is superficially similar to Hearthstone in many ways, but by placing various lands and carefully positioning units and careful placement of units, control and manipulation of the board itself is the main attraction of the game.

"Kingdom Come: Deliverance" and "Aztez" will be playable until February 20, after which "Faeria" will be free.
