Oregon Reborn with "Rainbow Six Siege" Void Edge

Oregon Reborn with "Rainbow Six Siege" Void Edge

I was surprised to hear that "Oregon" would be the first map rework for "Rainbow Six Siege" in 2020. I thought that since this map is a launch map and somewhat iconic in the community, I would not be able to touch it. The Oregon rework is so different that it feels like a completely different map.

The following Game Informer Void Edge gameplay video from Game Informer shows a great angle of Oregon's new guts. The biggest change is the addition to the basement, where a new staircase leads to the kitchen and constructions, which have been expanded to reduce claustrophobia.

The dreaded laundry hatch in the basement has been moved to a less central location to make it less of a meat-and-potatoes affair for the defenders. Also, a new hallway adjacent to the Meeting Hall connects the Big Tower to the Kitchen, relieving the Meeting Hall as a choke point.

From what I have played, Oregon is changing for the better. It is a shame, though, that the old version is tucked away in a vault never to be seen again. Enjoy the classic maps while you can, and be sure to check out our hands-on previews at Six Invitational 2020 for more on the exciting new operators in Oregon and Void Edge.
