This Stardew Valley Mod Replaces Combat with Embrace

This Stardew Valley Mod Replaces Combat with Embrace

Stardew Valley's killer mines are oddly juxtaposed with the rest of the farming and living sim. Once this game of making friends, attending parties, and cleaning up the inherited farm plunges into the mines, slimes and bats will be killing each other in front of your sword, unless you use the Pacifist Valley mod.

In Pacifist Valley, the mine is simply another place to make lots of new friends. In this mod, all weapons are replaced with cute toys, feathers, love hearts, and other friendly things, and the act of combat itself is replaced with kisses and heart emotes. Monsters fall in love with you instead of dying.

Fish can still be killed by the truckload unfortunately, but that may change in a future update. There are a few problems as well, including more hearts instead of blood), wrong hit boxes on some monsters, and problems with some "love devices."

Mines are my least favorite part of "Stardew Valley" and the combat is ludicrous at best, so I fully support this lovely version. I hope Leah is not jealous.

And while you're at it, check out our list of the best mods for Stardew Valley.
