Loyalty DLC add-ons now available for RimWorld

Loyalty DLC add-ons now available for RimWorld

RimWorld's Royalty DLC and 1.1 update sneaked out last week. But that seems to be changing, and players can get a rough idea of what's coming thanks to a blog post.

Next on the agenda, along with hotfixes, is a content add-on for Royalty. The goal is to make it work well with mods and not break saves, but as far as anything else, I'm still undecided. Nothing is set in stone, but add-ons could include new combat cycasts, mech cluster tweaks, additional quests, etc.

Mech clusters are one of Loyalty's big new additions. It is a tricky mech base consisting of connected buildings with special elements such as alarms, turrets, shields, and factories that produce more mechs. It is also affected by extreme world conditions, filling the air with poison or obliterating the sun. This requires players to go on the offensive, but the adjustments being considered will make it worthwhile to let it lie dormant for a long time.

"The dramatic tension of having a swarm of mechs on the map but not yet fighting seems valuable," wrote designer Tynan Sylvester.

"So if we can find more ways for players to intentionally maintain clusters, it would add a lot of interest to the play story.

Additionally, a 1.2 update is also in the works, but Ludeon Studios' plans will remain a mystery for some time yet. In the meantime, players can check out the pre-production update by accessing Steam's unstable development branch.
