Beds for Japanese gamers are the final form of gaming

Beds for Japanese gamers are the final form of gaming

There is no need to continue the debate about which is better, a sitting desk or a standing desk. Cancel the desk. Games on the couch? That's over too. Now that we've seen this gaming bed from the Japanese company Bauhütte, all lesser gaming methods are obsolete. Dr. Freeman, you don't have to get up and shine.

"Get up and move from bed to desk. Why is this so complicated? Gaming beds solve this problem," reads a Google-translated text from the Bauhutte website. "It allows you to wake up and watch games or cartoons right away, creating a lifecycle that allows you to fall asleep without difficulty."

This translation may not be entirely accurate, but that doesn't matter. I was convinced."

"Bed" got me.

A gaming bed is a bed that can be fitted with Bauhutte's various bed accessories, including a small desk surface wide enough to support a dual-monitor setup at the foot, several speakers, and twin cup holders. The controller and headphone rack hanging off the left end of the bed desk seems to be in a less than optimal position.

Fortunately, a four-wheeled "energy wagon" full of drinks and snacks (preferably a few healthy ones) can be rolled right next to the gaming bed for accessorizing. And this is not just a blanket. According to the website, this is a "gaming blanket." Gaming Blanket.

Meanwhile, an adjustable arm allows you to secure your cell phone or other mobile device above your head while you lie comfortably. The headboard also has space for an alarm clock so you won't miss that important early-morning game appointment, and there's room for a tube of lotion if you need to moisturize.

All snark aside, this all seems very convenient for gamers who have mobility issues. I don't see a solution for bathroom breaks, though, so it may take some work.

If you are not ready to commit to a gaming bed, you can try Bauhutte's "Gaming Camp". This is a tent-like enclosure that zippers over your desk "like a hat," blocking out "unwanted views," creating an environment where you can "focus on a single display" and "remain completely immobilized and surrounded by noxious gamer farts." (That last quote is mine, not the website's.)

And for those who hate furniture but love to lie down, there is a "gaming theater" for those who have "mastered the gaming desk." One can project games on the wall while lying on a cushioned urethane floor mat.

Bauhutte offers a number of solutions for those who do not want to sit at a desk while gaming, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Whether you are looking for new accessibility options or, like me, don't want to get out of bed in the morning, it seems that you can order everything individually and come up with your own optimal configuration.
