Fights in Tight Spaces is a stylish turn-based brawler.

Fights in Tight Spaces is a stylish turn-based brawler.

The wonderfully named Fights in Tight Spaces is a turn-based game in which you beat up a room full of red thugs until there are no more crimes.

Punches, kicks, and reversals are represented by cards. Many cards deal damage, of course, but you can also push people around small battle grids to obstruct gunfights or rescue civilians from danger.

Once a room is cleared, players can choose from 150 different cards to dispatch goons with more elaborate attacks, such as backward somersault kicks. Cards can also be upgraded, allowing players to establish a fighting style based on their level. The campaign will take you around the world as you "encounter random events, earn enhancements (or injuries), and make important choices about how best to upgrade your agents for the battles ahead."

The silhouetted Suit Guy is John Wick himself, but there are also many action movie references. You can even punch like Henry Cavill in Mission Impossible: Fallout

Fights in Tight Spaces is developed by Ground Shatter and published by Mode 7, the developer behind Frozen Synapse. The game is scheduled for release in 2020. To participate in the early beta test, visit the Fights in Tight Spaces Discord channel. The game is also available on Steam. The announcement trailer below gives a good overview of the bloodbath.
