Humble's Capcom Mega Bundle, packed with Mega Man classics

Humble's Capcom Mega Bundle, packed with Mega Man classics

The Mega Man Legacy Collection, Strider, and the first episode of Resident Evil Revelations 2 are available in the latest Humble Bundle starting at $1. The Capcom Mega Bundle is a great deal for those who haven't yet added the older Mega Man titles to their library, but it's an even better deal if you move up to the next tier.

Pay more than the average donation of $11.33 (AU$18.50) and you'll also get the Mega Man X Legacy Collection, Resident Evil 0 Remastered, the first Resident Evil Revelations, and the complete season of Resident Evil Revelations 2! Also included are 50% off coupons for "Resident Evil 2" and "Devil May Cry 5." [Pay $20 (AU$30.50) or more and get six more games: "Mega Man 11," "Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection," "Dragon's Dogma," "Devil May Cry 4," "Resident Evil Remastered" and "Dead Rising 4. Bundles are available here.
