Screenshots of "Star Wars 1313" Leaked, Confirming Rumors of Boba Fett Game

Screenshots of "Star Wars 1313" Leaked, Confirming Rumors of Boba Fett Game

An image purported to be a screenshot from "Star Wars 1313," which was put on hold in 2013, has surfaced online. It appears to be a cave in the "Level 1313" underworld of Coruscant, and features a main character who looks a lot like the celebrity bounty hunter you are all familiar with. The full screen version is below.

This screenshot, published on Reddit by LifeByTheSword, gives off a bounty hunter vibe: the PS2 game shows Boba's clone, Jango Fett, hunting down the dark Jedi before his appearance in "Attack of the Clones" The film depicted. Much of the game was spent doing dirty work and chasing bounties in seedy places like the seedy neighborhoods of Coruscant.

"Star Wars 1313" was going to be similar. We were to play another bounty hunter rumored to be a young Boba Fett, and while LucasArts never confirmed the identity of the main character before it broke up in 2013, in a discussion about the leaked animation test, animator James Zachary said that in that particular video confirmed that the character in the film was not the infamous bounty hunter. However, he would neither confirm nor deny that Boba Fett was added later, saying, "I don't think we can say much about this unless stormtroopers come knocking on the door." The Mandalorian-style helmet certainly suggests that it is Boba Fett.

After Star Wars 1313 was cancelled, other single-player Star Wars games picked up the torch, and our hopes were raised several more times, none of which met their fate with 1313 until last year's Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. The game was well received and proved to be, at least thematically, a conventional Star Wars game, offering a new planet-hopping adventure with a naïve and optimistic young Jedi. While it is unlikely that [Star Wars 1313] will return, more Star Wars games are reportedly in development, including a sequel to Fallen Order. Also spotted is the mysterious "Project Maverick," which was added to PSN earlier this month. Details are scarce, but from the art, it is likely to be set in space. Who hasn't dreamed of a new "Rogue Squadron" game?
