EVE Online Relaunches "Plex for Good" Charity Campaign for COVID-19 Relief

EVE Online Relaunches "Plex for Good" Charity Campaign for COVID-19 Relief

Plex for Good is a charity program run by CCP Games that allows EVE Online players to donate Plex, EVE's premium in-game currency, to support specific causes. Players donate Plex during a specific campaign period, and after the campaign is over, CCP will tally them, convert them into real-world money, and donate it to the charity in question.

The program began in 2005 to raise funds for victims of the tsunami that devastated Indonesia and Sri Lanka and has been restarted several times, including to support flood relief in Pakistan, earthquake recovery efforts in Nepal, and most recently, bushfire relief efforts in Australia. Today, CCP announced that it is once again resuming its work in support of the World Health Organization's COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. [CCP CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson said, "The funds raised through this Plex For Good campaign will help the World Health Organization (WHO) coordinate global efforts to help countries prevent, detect and respond to pandemics. It will also "support activities to understand the virus, ensure that essential supplies and information are available to those on the front lines, and accelerate efforts to develop vaccines, tests, and treatments.

Petursson urged the players to stay abreast of WHO's COVID-19 advice to the public and to act accordingly to support frontline health care workers, especially to ensure that N95 masks are readily available. He also revealed a new facemask "concept" that CCP is working on for EVE Online's character creation system, which he said would be "a great way for people to get a better understanding of the facemasks and how to use them.

To contribute to this campaign, contract a plex to a CCP Plex for Good character; CCP requested that donations be kept to a minimum of 240 plex ($10) so that donations can be handled as efficiently as possible, and that EVE Online in general be anything Wild West, but considers the Plex for Good scam "morally reprehensible" and warns that it will be "dealt with with the strictest and most expeditious measures at our discretion."

Donations to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund can be made directly at covid19responsefund.org.
