A sequel to "Streets of Rogue" is in development.

A sequel to "Streets of Rogue" is in development.

"Streets of Rogue" is a great and quite popular game where you can be an investment banker, get drunk, and hire goons to solve your problems. You can also be a gorilla and kill everyone you meet. Or you can become a shapeshifting doppelganger and do things like a shapeshifting doppelganger. So naturally, "Streets of Rogue" has a sequel in store. With the release of a major bug-fixing update on Friday, developer Matt Dabrowski let the community know that a sequel is in the works. The first game has been in development for over six years, and according to Dabrowski, "It's getting harder and harder to add impactful new features to the game, but it doesn't break the existing game or radically change the gameplay." Existing games will continue to receive updates, including ongoing bug fixes as well as at least one more update with new game content.

These bug fixes are especially likely because the new games will run on the same six-year code base as the current games. At this stage, though, Dabrowski is basically just experimenting with new technology, new systems, and strange ideas. The concept of adding vehicles and an open world to the game has been dropped. At the time of its release, reviews described Streets of Rogue as a complex system that "constantly creates new and surprising interactions with the world" and a "brilliant banana 2D roguelike." Not bad.

Now the real question is, what will the sequel be called? Where do you go from the streets, Streets of Rogue 2: Avenues of Rogue? Tracks of Rogue? Highway of Rogue? The concept is fascinating, and you can learn more about Streets of Rogue on Steam, Humble, GOG, or the extended demo on Itch.io. There is also a website.
