Hunt for Eggs, Not Monsters, at Brave Easter Event

Hunt for Eggs, Not Monsters, at Brave Easter Event

Spring has sprung in Dauntless, and since Springtide is the equivalent of Easter in monster-busting games, it means it's time for a different kind of hunt in the Shattered Isles.

The events of Springtide begin with a visit to Bosan Marcus, an NPC at Ramsgate who serves as a tutor and mentor to players in the game. They are ferocious and cunning predators, as described in the Dauntless wiki. After completing each round of the event, participants will earn 50 "carrot chips" that can be used in the Springtide store for cosmetics, emotes, and other seasonal goodies.

The update also includes several changes to quality of life:

There are also numerous bug fixes affecting weapons, armor, behemoths, and more. The Spring Tide event is currently underway and will run through April 23. More details and patch notes can be found at
