New 'Fallout 76' Settlers Don't Mind Being Nuked

New 'Fallout 76' Settlers Don't Mind Being Nuked

The "Fallout 76 Wastelanders" expansion introduces new human factions to Appalachia: the settlers and raiders. But what happens when you nuke the settlements of these two factions? As it turns out, not much!

Players were naturally interested in what would happen if you dropped a nuke on the two new faction settlements, the Foundations and the Crater, which are home to large numbers of new human NPCs. However, the settlers of Fallout 76, despite being new areas, are already treating the nukes fired by players like a light rain on a sunny day.

As can be seen in the following video by YouTuber Rattler, the nuking of the town of Foundation resulted in all settlers there wearing anti-radiation suits, but otherwise it is business as usual. In the midst of this atomic storm, one settler is cleaning the radioactive floors. Samuel is leaning against a sign, just as he does when there is no nuclear holocaust in the backyard. You know how the settlers sometimes play a little music with instruments scattered all over the place?" Even when the nukes land in their town, they keep doing it. They don't care."

As is often the case in games, it doesn't make much logical sense, but it makes plenty of practical sense. You can't kill or mutate every NPC in a multiplayer game, and you can't make them all holed up in a bunker for a while.

But it's still a bit dumb to have a bunch of newcomers to Appalachia zipping up their radiation suits, continuing to play their guitars, and sweeping the floor, completely oblivious to the fact that a nuclear weapon has been dropped on them. When the world is coming to an end, we have to find a way to be ourselves and keep doing what we love.
