Turn your Sea of Thieves ship into Gears of War for free!

Turn your Sea of Thieves ship into Gears of War for free!

If you're starting to get tired of the look of Sea of Thieves ships, this weekend is your chance to get some new wheels, capstans, and cannons inspired by Gears of War and the impending Gears Tactics.

While the Gears of War aesthetic no longer feels as cool as the new stuff did when I was an impressionable 20-something, I confess that I absolutely love these new items. The GoW influence is still evident, although it's actually quite understated. For example, there are many forms of gear, but the centerpiece must be the chainsaw-style bayonet stuck in a cannon.

Like the other cosmetic freebies that Rare distributes, there is a small catch. If you want one for your own ship, you need to look at our partner Sea of Thieves streamers and watch 30 minutes of their stream each day this weekend. If, like me, you'd rather spend your weekend doing literally anything else, watch Twitch in the background and get paid. Just remember to link your Twitch account first.

Sea of Thieves received another update this week, allowing players to represent one of the game's factions. For the first time, PvP rewards are now guaranteed, which is great for PvP players, but not so much for the rest of us. The ability to buy cats has eased some of the pain.
