Prison Architect" New Free Expansion Coming in May

Prison Architect" New Free Expansion Coming in May

Prison Architect doesn't sound very interesting (at least to me), but it's actually quite good, so much so that Chris chose it as his personal pick for late 2015. Despite its antiquity, it is still actively supported: Paradox Interactive picked it up in early 2019 and has since released two updates, "The Clink" and "Psych Ward."

Today, it was announced that more updates are planned for next month: in "Cleared for Transfer," digital guards will be able to create custom security sectors within the prison, granting special privileges to certain areas, based on user-set requirements They will be able to transfer prisoners between security sectors. New actions such as shakedowns, tunnel searches, and sector-based lockdowns will also be available, and prison customization options will be expanded to allow for more rooms and objects to play with.

This may not be the most expansive update to date, but it is also free, so in a way there is nothing to complain about. Security and prisoner transfers are also relatively innocuous subjects, so it is hoped that Cleared for Transfer will avoid blunders like the expanded Psych Ward released in November 2019.

Prison Architects Cleared for Transfer will be released on May 14; Paradox revealed more details about the update on Twitch earlier today.
