Steam's LudoNarraCon Sale Offers Great Deals on Story-Driven Games, Free Trials Available

Steam's LudoNarraCon Sale Offers Great Deals on Story-Driven Games, Free Trials Available

LudoNarraCon is an online-only convention held through Steam, and there are some great deal and demo opportunities as part of it. there's a reason LudoNarraCon is held on Steam: you get the game there Because you can. The event will revolve around more emotional and narrative games: thrillers, story strategy, life sims, dating sims, detective games, and more. As one of the organizers recently told me, it's a sedate pace of games that wouldn't necessarily fit in a convention hall; you can check out all the events taking place at LudoNarraCon 2020 on this Steam page.

Here are some of the games you can play for free:

And here are the deals:
