Gorgeous "Wolfenstein" Board Game Surpasses Kickstarter Goal

Gorgeous "Wolfenstein" Board Game Surpasses Kickstarter Goal

BJ Blazkowicz returns to Castle Wolfenstein once again to kill Hitler. Yes, "Wolfenstein" is the latest digital game to be boardgamed and transformed into a cooperative dungeon crawler. The game appeared on Kickstarter earlier this month and has successfully met its goal.

It has the feel of an XCOM-like tactical RPG with d12, but the team has put some thought into making it feel like a proper Wolfenstein game. For example, every gun has three different firing options, depending on the type of ammunition used. To represent stealth, a hazard tracker has been introduced to show the tension in the castle, which rises as you defeat Nazis and cause mayhem. Toward the end of the game, alarms are sounded, enemy reinforcements and new problems arise.

Blazkowicz and his companions each have three unique skills, which are activated if they have enough points earned from completing side missions, using special items, and of course, slaughtering Nazis. For example, the big guy can attack enemies with two weapons at the same time, which is always useful.

If you want a closer look at the rules, you can download these PDFs, but the finished game will not be available until August 2021. But it looks like it will be worth the wait: 55 miniatures are included in the base game, full of detail and character. Frankly, some of the miniatures are more military than my Warhammer miniatures. Also included are map tiles and 3D doors that can be combined in various configurations depending on the mission. A very handsome game.

A number of expansions are also in the works, including "The Old Blood," set before the events of the base game; the 3D terrain kit tickles my fancy, allowing you to enhance your castle with amazingly detailed plastic wall and floor tiles.

Archon posted Wolfenstein on Kickstarter earlier this month; the Kickstarter ends tomorrow and will probably hit $600,000 by the end. That means a lot of stretch goals have been unlocked.
