Courier company to test Death Stranding exoskeleton

Courier company to test Death Stranding exoskeleton

Chinese food delivery company is testing an exoskeleton that will ease the burden of heavy delivery workers and make their lives easier. The guinea pig bears a striking resemblance to Death Stranding hero Sam Porter Bridges.

Sixth Tone shared some footage of this exoskeleton in action. While not as much as Sam can carry in Death Stranding, it is certainly enough for most people to comfortably carry for extended periods of time. Not that the courier looks particularly comfortable.

The exoskeleton was designed by Shanghai-based ULS Robotics, which hopes to apply the technology to automotive manufacturing, industrial logistics, airports, and other industries. It is currently still in the prototype stage.

In "Death Stranding," Sam's exoskeleton helped him traverse a bumpy, inhospitable environment while balancing a comically stacked stack of crates. but it could make it easier to carry a lot of food up a big staircase.

Given that the technology is still in development, it's unlikely that exoskeleton-based couriers will become a common sight anytime soon, but you can try it yourself when "Death Stranding" hits PCs in July.
