CD Projekt Teases June Cyberpunk 2077 Event

CD Projekt Teases June Cyberpunk 2077 Event

E3 2020 was scheduled to take place June 9-11, but the outbreak of COVID-19 put a damper on everything. But even with E3 gone, June 11 remains a date worth noting. Night City Wire

What exactly is the Night City Wire? It's not entirely clear, but it will be something like the Cyberpunk 2077 public event: "Something will be shown!"

said Marcin Momot, global community leader at CD Projekt, on Twitter.

And apparently it's not just bush-league stuff.

One of the hopes (or at least hopes) is that CD Projekt will finally show off more of the game's stage. Night City, where most of the action takes place, is divided into six districts, but so far we've only seen Watson and Pacifica. You can also leave the city and explore the surrounding areas: lead quest designer Pawel Sasko said at E3 2019 that the area is "basically like almost destroyed after the drought and everything that happened in the 50 years between 2020 and 1977," but with open world content will be available, with specific quests for players who want to roam around such places. With "Cyberpunk 2077" getting closer and closer, it will be nice to finally see some of those environments.

The release date for Cyberpunk 2077 is another big question: it will be released on September 17, and CD Projekt said in April that it was on schedule. However, the COVID-19 outbreak has required studios to work remotely, causing slowdowns and delays at several studios, including Bethesda, Ubisoft, and Larian, Xbox boss Phil Spencer earlier today, indicated that some first-party games may also be affected. Hopefully that won't happen, but if CD Projekt is going to pump the brakes, this is the time to say so.

CD Projekt did not say where or how "Night City Wire" will be released, but we will let you know when it is. A schedule of other digital release events this summer can be found here.
