Rumors Remaster of Mass Effect trilogy to be released by April next year

Rumors Remaster of Mass Effect trilogy to be released by April next year

Electronic Arts announced yesterday that it intends to release 14 new games during the next fiscal year, which ends March 31, 2021. The titles were not revealed, but four were confirmed to be sports games: the new "Madden," the new "FIFA," the new "NHL," and a mysterious fourth game. Also announced were mobile games, indie titles from partner developers (which, as far as I know, do not fit the definition of "indie," but never mind), new IP, and "additional EA HD titles."

As far as such things go, they were all fairly conventional and unremarkable, but they became more interesting today when VentureBeat reported that the HD title in question would actually be a remaster of the "Mass Effect" trilogy. VentureBeat's Jeff Grubb was confident enough in this statement to tweet specifically to draw attention to it. [This report is unverified, but not outlandish. The "Mass Effect" trilogy was completed in 2012: Andromeda is best forgotten. In fact, that may be part of the strategy this time around: reports have surfaced that a new "Mass Effect" game is in "very early development" in late 2019, but dropping a remastered trilogy ahead of a big comeback announcement is a great way to remind people how magical a game "Mass Effect" was What better way to remind people how magical "Mass Effect" was?

There is also the fact that so many of us will be lining up to throw our money at it, and I'm sure that will be factored into the decision-making process as well. I have emailed Electronic Arts about this rumor and will update if I hear back.
