Jonathan Frakes tells us how sad PUBG's Dinoland is.

Jonathan Frakes tells us how sad PUBG's Dinoland is.

The next time the Dinoland circle in Vikendi closes, let's ponder its sordid history: a new video from PUBG details the history of this theme park and how it was once "the happiest place" in the world. But for reasons completely unrelated to the 100-person massacre currently taking place in its vicinity, that happiness soon ...... turned to despair.

The following video is really well done. Narrated by Star Trek veteran Jonathan Frakes, it takes the form of an old-fashioned "unsolved mystery" style TV show, and while I love PUBG, I never cared for its lore. Now I'm a little curious.

Briefly, Dinoland was founded in the 1970s by Carl Johan Lind. All was well until the park's mascot, Alex the T-Rex, was "cut in half" by the dino train.

Things got even weirder and more sinister from there, and while this video probably won't change the way you play PUBG, it may color your experience at Dinoland. Next time I visit Dinoland, I may shed a tear.

Check it out below:
