Ride a tall, handsome pig with the RDR2 mod!

Ride a tall, handsome pig with the RDR2 mod!

After dozens of hours of great story and character building in "Red Dead Redemption 2," Arthur Morgan, despite his outlaw roots and dastardly deeds, has a quiet dignity and a certain worldly nobility about him.

So let's see if he maintains that dignity as he rides around the Old West on a giant pig.

You've probably seen JulioNIB's work. He is the creator of a mod that lets you play "GTA" as everything from Tony Stark to a giant shark. And now he is working on Pig Rider, a mod for RDR2 that makes pigs huge and mountable.

Supersized pigs are not the only creatures that can be mounted with Pig Rider. The mod's page, which is the source of the GIF above, also shows Morgan astride a giant cougar, a giant wolf, and a normal-sized bear. (The bears are already quite large, so there is no need to scale them up for Arthur to ride.) He can also sail around the world on the back of a giant eagle or bat.

All of those are cool animals to ride around on, but they pale in comparison to big pigs. We've seen warriors ride bears, giant wolves and eagles in fantasy settings many times, but the legendary pig rider? He could have ridden a bear or a wolf, but he chose the pig.

He chose the pig.

This is in progress, and supporters who pledge at least $5 on JulioNIB's patreon page will be the first to try the Pig Rider mod.
