Free virtual pets to make planets horny with cosmic rays

Free virtual pets to make planets horny with cosmic rays

In "Fantastic Four," cosmic rays gave the foursome of protagonists extraordinary powers. The universe is truly astonishing.

Blendo Games' Brendon Chung and Riot's Laura Michet spent months creating this free virtual pet. I am impressed because all I have accomplished in this extra time is a new mustache.

PlanetFriend allows you, as an all-powerful cosmic deity, to intervene in a planet's development by beaming rays of light onto it. This ray can not only increase horniness, but can also stimulate industrial growth, cause animals to rise up to reclaim their kingdoms, and return the entire world to nature. It can also be left alone and let everything develop organically.

Not much, but I still found myself hypnotized by this reactive little simulation. The people of my world, after successfully fighting off the animals and building a large industrialized society with arcologies and satellites everywhere, finally turned their weapons on each other and turned everything into something a bit apocalyptic. I take no responsibility for any of this.

Despite the horrible fate of my world, I found it so soothing just to have it running in the background; Choroplethora's chill beats, even when accompanied by screams and death rays, never let things get too dark.

You can get PlanetFriend for free from Itch now.
