Rain Risk 2 postponed to August.

Rain Risk 2 postponed to August.

Risk of Rain 2 was expected to go from Early Access to full release this spring based on a development roadmap released in April 2019; a Google search shows that spring 2020 is less than a month away, and today, developer Hopoo Games announced that the planned release will not be ready in time.

"As you know, our next update is 1.0, which is the last update before we leave Early Access. Earlier this month I ran a brief tweet to get your feedback on how RoR2 1.0 looks to you. From that tweet, not only did I see that there are quite a few improvements we can work on, but I also saw that you are passionate about what RoR2 1.0 should look like."

"What we wanted to make sure was that RoR2 1.0 is truly a complete game experience, and that means not only completing and fleshing out content, but also improving and iterating on old features and leftover content. In order to achieve our goal of what a 1.0 version of RoR2 should look like, we want to let everyone know that we will be releasing 1.0 in August 2020."

Hopoo emphasized that the delay is not due to the COVID-19 pandemic, stating that the pandemic "has had little to no impact. Instead, he said, it was due to expanded plans for a full release, including the addition of new stages, bosses, items, equipment, and most importantly, a server browser.

"Quick Play served an important function at launch. Especially because we didn't know how popular the game would be. Not only that, but the game needs to not only find matches, but the right matches." We believe that the built-in server browser (and hosting) makes it easier to connect and find other players while still providing many of the features and choices you want to make before connecting to the game."

While host migration is not yet available (it is unclear if that is a planned feature), Hopoo said that allowing people to choose which games they want to play via the browser, rather than relying on the whims of Quick Play, will mean fewer people will quit the game for "fixable reasons." He expressed hope that this will mean. The studio also promised more "developer feedback" updates, "highlighting interesting features and additions we are adding" leading up to the full release.

The roadmap for Risk of Rain 2 is as follows.
