Cities: get the skyline for $1 at the Humble Store

Cities: get the skyline for $1 at the Humble Store

Cities Cities:Skylines is one of the best city builders on PC, and if you've ever wanted to find out if the city planning life is for you, now is the perfect time to find out. The base game is currently available on the Humble Store for $1/£1, and the discount will apply for the next two weeks. That's a heck of a discount compared to the regular price of $29/£23

Humble Cities: Skylines bundles offer many different tiers to choose from, including different DLCs. Pay the average price of $9/£6 and you get the Concerts, Snowfall, Natural Disasters, and High Tech Buildings DLCs; pay $18/£15 and you get six more expansions: the Mass Transit, Green City, Industry, Campus, and Art Deco Creator Packs, European Suburbs Creator Pack.

Each of the major expansion packs costs about $15/£12 (the smaller creator packs are usually around $2 or $3), so based on Steam's regular prices, all of these would cost about $100/£80 if purchased individually. Not all of the expansions are included, such as the latest expansion, Sunset Harbor, but it is still a great deal.

This bundle is packed with city-building madness: Cities:Skylines is free-to-play this weekend on Steam.
