Metro Exodus Dumps Denuvo

Metro Exodus Dumps Denuvo

Metro Exodus is no longer one of the many games loaded with Denuvo, as a recent hot fix removed the DRM. There's not much else in the patch, but it's good news for those who aren't fans of the controversial tamper-resistant software.

The hotfix removes Denuvo from the PC versions of Steam, Epic, and Xbox Game Pass, and fixes a filter bug in Sam's Story, camera rotation issues, and several crashes. Also, save backups are now available on the Epic version.

This comes right after the decision to remove Denuvo from Doom Eternal, but there does not seem to be a connection between the two; Doom featured the new Denuvo anti-cheat software, not the DRM we usually mention when talking about Denuvo It was. It was equally, if not more unpopular, but for different reasons.

Denuvo is often eventually removed from games, but while some players see such instances as a victory, the company insists that it exists primarily to fight piracy before and after launch, when it is most harmful, and portrays its removal as part of that process. Since "Metro Exodus" has been on the market for more than a year, Denuvo has probably served its purpose. However, the removal of the anti-cheat from "Doom" was a direct response to the negative reaction from players, so it could not be said to have done so.
