Half-Life 2 Jurassic Park modがSource SDK 2013を採用

Half-Life 2 Jurassic Park modがSource SDK 2013を採用

Update: An earlier version of this article explained that Half-Life 2 installation is no longer required to run Half-Life 2 mod Jurassic Life, but the Source SDK is required. Edited to emphasize this fact.

Jurassic Life started life, well, as a mod for Half-Life 2, set in Isla Nublar, the Jurassic Park dinosaur getaway. According to the latest update from the team, you no longer need to have Half-Life 2 installed to play Jurassic Life; according to the ModDB description, "HL2 is not required for the game to work; JURASSIC LIFE requires the free Only the SOURCE SDK 2013 is required."

It explains.

Modder's training video, in its customary coarse VHS beauty, introduces Jurassic Life's weapons, dinosaurs, animals, and voice actors. It's quite fun to watch them imitate the cast of the film, but it seems that Jurassic Life draws inspiration for its locations from the book as well as the film. You'll be playing as park ranger Robert Muldoon. That means you'll be the guy whose job it is to say "smart girl" and get eaten to pieces in a mess, but perhaps anesthesia darts and cattle prods will work in your favor.

We'll see you later this year when it is scheduled for release. This is a non-profit fan game and is not intended for commercial use.
