Magic: The Gathering Exclusive Card Revealed Chandra Brings Battle-hardened Friends

Magic: The Gathering Exclusive Card Revealed Chandra Brings Battle-hardened Friends

Magic: The Gathering's powerful pyromancer makes a comeback in the next installment of M:TG. Wizards of the Coast has sent us four card previews to get you acquainted with Chandra's precarious new form.

"Pets" is not the right word. They are embodiments of red mana elementals, which passively increase in power as they deal damage directly to the enemy or, in the case of "Chandra's Fire Spirit," as the deck deals damage.

But first, let's look at the planeswalkers themselves. Chandra, the Heart of Fire rewards decks built around direct damage instants with a big late-game nuke. Free mana and the ability to choose "any number" of instant and sorcery cards from the deck has the potential to obliterate your opponents in one big firestorm.

Next up is a cheap (but adorable) minion that can deal consistent chip damage for a mere 2 mana summoning cost.

Pyreling is also cheap, but if you can get it out early and protect it, the deck's ongoing damage could make it very powerful in turns when it can deal a lot of non-combat damage. With three points of strength, it has a chance to survive at least long enough to grow fat and destructive, if only it pays attention.

Of course, since instants count as non-combat damage and creature abilities count as non-combat damage, direct damage instants and Magmat's "tap for 1 damage" ability will buff Pyreling.

"Incinerator" is a blow to this group of cards. While the price must be paid, its ability to mirror non-combat damage from your spells and creatures is delicious when combined with these other cards and a stock of excellent instant damage spells. Trample ensures that the additional damage will tear through your opponent's creatures and cause serious direct damage to their health pool. Played in the right combination, this could be a game-winning creature.
